The Statistics Canada Research Data Centre at UBCO is now open! A timely opportunity for a brief review on accessing Statistics Canada data.
Canadian survey, census, and economic data – Statistics Canada makes data available through three different portals.
Aggregated Data
A host of aggregated survey, census, and economic data are freely accessible through the Statistics Canada website. Review and download tables, visualizations, and reports. A perfect solution when you want the results of analysis and don’t want to do the analysis yourself.
Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF)
These non-aggregated datasets are much more granular than what is available through the Stats Can website, but are carefully modified and reviewed to ensure that no individual or business is directly or indirectly identified. Through the Data Liberation Initiative these PUMFs are available to UBC staff, students, and faculty in Abacus, UBC Library’s repository for institutionally acquired data sets. Perfect for exploring data sets like the Labour Force Survey, Canadian Housing Survey, and the Canadian Community Health Survey. Explore available datasets at Stats Can, and then use Abacus to access the data.
Restricted Access Microdata
As granular as it gets. These data sets offer researchers access to a wide range of anonymized survey, administrative, and integrated data. Access is restricted to Stats Can Research Data Centres – secure physical environments available to accredited researchers and government employees. A strict vetting process is required to gain access through Statistics Canada including fingerprinting, credit checks, and an oath of secrecy not to disclose any identifiable information to protect the privacy and confidentiality of respondents.
UBCO is now host to one of these Data Centres. Managed by Statistics Canada, in partnership with UBC, learn more about how to access the RDC here.
Getting Help
Need help or have questions about aggregated data or PUMFs from Statistics Canada? Contact Mathew Vis-Dunbar, Data and Digital Scholarship Librarian or Marjorie Mitchell, Scholarly Communication and Research Data Management Librarian.
Interested in accessing the RDC at UBCO? Applications for data access can be initiated through the Statistics Canada website.