Post-Award Support

Grant Funding Agency Liaison

A consultation service that supports researchers in asking questions to funding agencies on their behalf. Provides assistance to researchers who are seeking advice/clarification on funding agency programming and advocacy.

Data Storage & Sharing – Archival, Curation, DMP

Training and consultation on available storage systems.

Linux OS

Training on Linux OS (operating system) usage.

HPC Schedulers & Job Exec

Training on high performance computing cluster job submission and running.

Available Systems – Types & Uses (Service)

Training and pre-use consultation on appropriate use of systems.

Data Storage & Sharing – Available Tools

Training and consultation on available storage and sharing tools.

Data Storage & Sharing – Available Storage

Training and consultation on available storage systems.

Data Storage & Sharing – Appropriate Use of Storage

Training and consultation regarding appropriate use of storage.

Academic Job Search Support (e.g. building CVs, teaching and research interest statements, and statements of interest or personal statements for graduate school applications)

Appointment with a CSC consultant where you will be offered guidance and support in your professional academic writing, such as CVs or teaching and research interest statements, and statements of interest or personal statements for graduate school applications.

Research Presentations and Posters Support (e.g. conference talks, slides, posters)

Appointment with a CSC consultant where you will be offered guidance and support for research or conference presentations and posters.