Research Data Management Planning Service

Compliance & Ethics Pre-Award Support

Grant applications, Research Data, Research Data Management, Research Data Management Plans, and Tri-Agency Compliance


Research data is data created or generated as part of a research project, and may include numeric data, text, transcripts, images, video and audio recordings, and more. Good research data management prevents data loss, stores data securely and facilitates data sharing. This service offers advice and support for research data management.

Who can use it

Employees, Faculty, Students



Self service links and Resources

Guided service links and Resources


RDM Tri-Agency & Open Access compliance; Best practices; Pre-planning for data preservation and deposit into repositories; Smoother planning and personnel transition plans; Assistance in planning for selecting appropriate metadata schema

Associated Costs



Mantra – through U of Edinburgh; Coursera course on RDM

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Last updated: 2024-02-05 02:17

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