Data Collection Tools

Deposit of novel or non-proprietary data collection tools rounds out the process of research transparency, allowing the researcher to explicitly share how data for a study was collected. Data collection tools may consist of forms or questionnaires, but they may also consist of notebooks and be more or less structured. While not necessarily born digital, there may be opportunity to digitize and deposit these independently of one’s thesis while making a discrete connection between them.

When deposited as a discrete entity, you may choose to do this in either cIRcle or OSF.


cIRcle deposit requires contacting CoGS and instructions are covered at this link for Thesis and Dissertation preparation under the header “Structure & Components” in the “Supplementary materials” accordion.

To start using OSF, you’ll first need to create an account. You can do this using your CWL at this link.

Once you have an account, you can simply deposit your protocol by creating a new project and uploading your file. Instructions here for setting up a project. And instructions here for uploading your files.

There’s more that you can do with OSF than simply depositing files. UBC Library often has workshops either through the Centre for Scholarly Communications on the Okanagan campus or through the Research Commons on the Vancouver campus. Irrespective of the campus, these workshops may be available virtually or in person.


For assistance or questions about OSF, contact Mathew Vis-Dunbar (, Data Librarian.

For assistance or questions about cIRcle, contact Marjorie Mitchell (, Copyright, Scholarly Communications, and Research Data Management Librarian